Secretary: Kristina Banks

Kristina Banks, DNP, APRN, CPNP-PC has been a board certified pediatric nurse practitioner in primary care (CPNP-PC) for more than 16 years. She earned the DNP degree in 2016, through which she developed a group well-child visits for 1 month old infants, the first of its kind. Kristina shared her experience of implementing well-child group visits via a well-received podium presentation at the Ohio Chapter’s annual conference in 2022.

She transitioned into full-time academia in July 2021, and now serves as lead pediatric faculty at Frances Payne Bolton School of Nursing at Case Western Reserve University in Cleveland, Ohio. In this role, she teaches all the primary care pediatric nurse practitioner (PNP) courses, and oversees both the primary and acute care PNP program tracks. Kristina also practices as a PNP at Senders Pediatrics, a large, innovative primary care pediatric practice outside of Cleveland. She currently practices one day a week, caring for ill patients. Prior to serving in her role as Secretary of the Ohio Chapter, Kristina served as a member of the Ohio Chapter’s Conference Planning Committee (2022-2024).

She is also actively involved with meeting and networking with other pediatric faculty from across the country, from monthly meetings with acute and primary care program directors to the Association of Faculties of Pediatric Nurse Practitioners (AFPNP), a national organization of nursing educators who teach in pediatric, family, and school nurse practitioner programs, and who collaborate on relevant practice and educational issues.