Chapter Officers, Board Members, and Committee Members

Roles and Responsibilities 

Chapter Bylaws

All Chapter Officers and Board Members Responsibilities

Responsibilities of all chapter officers and board members include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • Participates in chapter‐related meetings and events.
  • Provides verbal and/or written reports to the chapter’s executive board and general board at face-to-face and virtual meetings as needed.
  • Reviews chapter meeting minutes and committee meeting minutes as needed.
  • Participates in the newsletter.
  • Assists with appointing chapter committee members and other volunteers as needed.
  • Participates in chapter training as needed.

All Chapter Committee Members Responsibilities

Responsibilities of all chapter committee members include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • Assists committee chair/co-chairs as needed.
  • Participates in committee meetings.
  • Reviews chapter committee meeting minutes as needed.


All Chapter Officer Responsibilities | Executive Board Members

All Chapter Officers Responsibilities

Executive Board Members 

The chapter’s activities and affairs are managed and conducted by, or under the direction of, the chapter officers who are members of the chapter executive board, and consists of the following:

  • President
  • President-Elect
  • Past-President
  • Treasurer
  • Secretary

The board acts collectively. The chapter board examines the financial records of the chapter at each board meeting. At any chapter board meeting, a majority of the board members must be present to constitute a quorum for voting purposes.

Annual Reporting: All chapter officers must fill out a Conflict of Interest (COI) Form due on June 1st each year.

  • Understand NAPNAP’s strategic plan and chapter bylaws.
  • Understand chapter policies and procedures.
  • Be familiar with operations and requirements of a nonprofit board officers.
  • Maintain the fiscal well-being of the chapter.
  • Prepare for and attend all chapter board meetings.
  • Deliver appropriate reports at board and general chapter meetings as needed/requested.
  • Maintain proper reporting channels.
  • Attend chapter officer training webinars.
  • Be proficient in email and web technologies.
  • Participate in budget and financial review process of chapter.
  • Participate in chapter sponsored events.
  • Fulfill all duties of office, seeking help when necessary.
  • Set an example of ethical professionalism and excellence in business.
  • Encourage members to support the chapter and become involved.
  • Become familiar and actively download chapter roster.
Chapter President, President-Elect, Past-President Responsibilities | Executive Board Members

Chapter President, President-Elect, and Immediate Past-President 


The president and president-elect are members of the chapter executive board. 

Annual Reporting:

  • Chapter 12 (CH12) Report is due January 15th each year. This report is your previous years activity report. Please provide as much detail as possible, as this form is used to vote for the large and small chapter awards.
  • The Chapter 10 (CH10) Report is due June 1st each year. This report lets the national association know who the chapter’s incoming officers are.
  • President, president-elect, and immediate past-president each must complete a Conflict of Interest (COI) Form due on June 1st each year.

Chapter President

Job Description: The chapter president shall be the chief elected officer of the chapter. The president shall preside at meetings of both the membership and board and serve as primary spokesperson of the chapter. The president shall appoint all committees and the chairperson thereof; and perform and discharge all duties incident to the office of president and such other duties as may be assigned by the executive board.

Leadership: Presides over chapter board and general membership meetings.

Board Operations:

  • Appoints chapter committee chairs and other volunteers.
  • Signs official documents on behalf of the chapter.
  • Represents the chapter at meetings and is the official spokesperson for the chapter.
  • Maintains communications and a relationship between the chapter and the national association through newsletters and meeting minutes sent to the Manage of Member and Chapter Services ([email protected]); and maintains a current list of officers and annual chapter activities report sent to the national office.
  • Encourages national participation in the annual council of chapter presidents meetings at the NAPNAP annual conference representing NAPNAP at the local level and promoting NAPNAP’s mission within the area served.

Provide Oversight:

  • Compliance with laws and regulations of the jurisdiction in which the chapter is chartered.
  • Any forms of agreements (e.g., logo use and mailing list license) signed by the chapter president for any year will be binding upon his or her successor should the president leave office before the end of his or her term.
  • Presides over decisions made for chapter, including: chapter logo, address, membership recruitment, finances, and communication.
  • Mentors president-elect and other chapter board members to succeed in their roles.

Chapter President-Elect

Job Description: The president-elect shall perform the duties of the office of the president in the absence of the president of in the president’s inability to act. When so acting, the president-elect shall have all the powers of, and be subject to, all of the restrictions placed upon the president. The president-elect will fulfill special projects as requested by the president or the executive board including, but not limited to, the following: 

  • In the absence of the president or in case of inability to act, presides over the meetings of the chapter.
  • Participates in leadership development opportunities in preparation for role as president.
  • Participates on the chapter standing committees and other committees or task forces as appointed by the president.

Chapter Past-President

Job Description: The immediate past-president shall remain active in the planning and implementation of activities of the executive board. The immediate past-president will participate in committee work and board recruitment as designated by the president. They may provide consultation as determined by the needs of the chapter.

Chapter Treasurer Responsibilities | Executive Board Member

Chapter Treasurer 


The treasurer is a member of the chapter executive board. 

Annual Reporting:

  • The Chapter 8 (CH8) Report is an authorization for your chapter to be included under NAPNAP’s 501(c)(6) IRS tax status and to allow NAPNAP to file a 990N on behalf of your chapter if applicable.
  • The Chapter 9 (CH9) Report is detailed report of your previous years revenue and expenses. Please email your CH9 and December bank statement to Daniela Weitzman ([email protected]).
  • CH8, CH9, and December bank statement due by January 15th each year.
  • Must complete a Conflict of Interest (COI) Form due on June 1st each year.

Job Description: The chapter treasurer serves as the custodian of the chapter’s funds, maintaining these funds in a band account and dispersing them in accordance with the chapter’s disbursement policy and principles of transparency, including but not limited to, the following: 

  • Receives chapter dues through electronic transfer from the national office.
  • Receives remittance checks and other income due to the chapter.
  • Prepares a budget with the assistance of chapter officers and allow finances to be managed within that budget.
  • Assists with the periodic review of the chapter financial records.
  • Maintains the chapter bank account.
  • Maintains a system to document approved disbursements.
  • Prepares financial reports for board meetings and provide complete information to those who need it for decision making.
  • Monitors expenditures to maintain financial balance, which maintains an appropriate reserve for the chapter to sustain its activities.
  • Retains and maintains financial records in accordance with retention schedulers and forward to the incoming treasurer.
  • Follows written reimbursement policies.
  • Involves chapter officers in financial matters.
  • Periodically appoints a member other than the treasurer to conduct an independent review of the financial records.
Chapter Secretary Responsibilities | Executive Board Member

Chapter Secretary 


The secretary is a member of the chapter executive board. 

Annual Reporting:

Chapter Meeting Minutes: All meeting minutes need to be submitted to the national office: Daniela Weitzman ([email protected]). 

Job Description: Chapter secretary is responsible for helping the chapter president lead their respective chapter and for documenting its activities including, but not limited to, the following:

  • Attends and keep minutes of the meetings of the chapter including, but not limited to, conference calls, virtual meetings, general meetings of the chapter board, meetings of the executive board, annual business meeting of the chapter, and any special sessions or meetings called by the president.
  • Records, types, and reviews the minutes of all meetings and submits to the national office: Daniela Weitzman ([email protected]).
  • After review and corrections are made, distributes the minutes to all board members, chapter membership, and the national office.
  • Maintains a copy of all minutes of the past 4 years.
  • Be the custodian of chapter bylaws and membership roster (if chapter does not have membership chair).
Chapter CE Chair Responsibilities

Chapter Continuing Education (CE) Chair 


The CE chair is a member of the chapter board. 

Job Description: The CE chair plans and coordinates events, including educational and CE meetings/programs/conferences, for the chapter throughout the year. The chair presides over the educational and CE meetings/programs/conferences planning committee(s) and facilitates the logistics of the events including: location, registration, speaker management, food/beverage, audio/visual, and marketing/promotion of the programs. The CE chair works in coordination with the chapter officers and membership to determine the educational needs of the chapter, including but not limited to, the following: 

  • Provides annual budget for educational and CE meetings/programs/conferences.
  • Submits the activities/goals for the year.
  • Provides verbal/written reports for the chapter executive board meetings and general board meetings.
  • Applies for and maintains chapter CE accreditation.
Chapter Legislative Chair Responsibilities

Chapter Legislative Chair


The legislative chair is a member of the chapter board. 

Job Description: The legislative chair plays a critical role in chapter leadership and advising/mentoring members. By participating in ongoing, two-way communication with the national office and/or the national association’s Health Policy Committee, the legislative chair can convey relevant information from national office and Health Policy Committee to the chapter board for review and/or action. The legislative chair participates in state-level policy collaborations with other APRN and child health groups and advises the chapter board on state legislative and regulatory activities.

Because policy is critical to each member’s professional practice, it’s essential that the legislative chair develop and use tools to educate chapter members about legislative and regulatory priorities requiring grassroots action. The national office shares resources on its state-level repository and advocacy resources web pages. If you have a great tool, please share with [email protected] so that it can be uploaded to the national association’s website for other chapters to use. In addition, the legislative chair can gain valuable insight by attending legislative and/or chapter leader trainings hosted by the national office via webinar or in-person at the national conference.

Chapters are required to contact [email protected] if they are contacted to support or oppose any federal legislation or regulations. The Health Policy Committee will assess the request and provide guidance to the chapter based on our health policy agenda and national legislative positions. Chapters are free to determine their own support or opposition for state legislation and regulation; however, those positions should align with the national association’s health policy agenda.

Chapter Membership Chair Responsibilities

Chapter Membership Chair 


The chapter membership chair is a member of the chapter board. 

Job Description: Custodian and manager of chapter’s membership including, but not limited to, the following: 

  • Receives member lists from national office and compares with chapter membership roster.
  • Participates in chapter newsletters.
  • Actively engages in membership recruitment and retention.
  • Assists with membership renewals.
  • Responds to inquiries regarding membership.
  • Contacts and welcomes new members.
Chapter Communications Chair Responsibilities

Chapter Communications Chair 


The chapter communications chair is a member of the chapter board. 

Job Description: Custodian and manager of chapter’s membership including, but not limited to, the following: 

  • Actively engages in membership recruitment and retention.
  • Assists with membership renewals.
  • Assists with contacting and welcoming new members.
  • Responds to inquires received via email, social media, and website.
  • Prepares and maintains chapter newsletters.
  • Provides guidance in helping chapter develop accessible and effective communication methods.
  • Facilitates communication among board members and chapter members.